Kesha - Here Comes The Change (Live Acoustic)

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Kesha - Here Comes The Change (Live Acoustic) was added to the Free2Music database on November 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 643 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Here Comes the Change






Oh, one day I'll be gone
The world'll keep turning
I hope I leave this place
Better than I found it

Oh, it's hard, I know it's hard
To be the lightning in the dark
Hold on tight you'll be alright
You know it's time

Here comes the change
We're comin' of age
This is not a phase
Here comes, here comes, the change

Is it a crazy thought
That if I have a child
I hope they live to see the day
That everyone's equal?

Oh, it's hard, I know it's hard
To be the right inside the wrong
Hold on tight, we'll be alright
You know it's time

Oh, here comes the change
Oh, we're comin' of age
This is not a phase
Here comes, here comes the change

Hope there'll come a time when we (time when we)
We can live and die free (and die free)
I hope and pray there'll come the day
And it's comin' soon

Here comes the change
We're coming of age
This is not a phase
Here comes, here comes
Here comes the change
Oh, we're comin' of age
This is not a phase
Oh, here comes, and here comes the change

It's time to change
We are the change
Oh, here comes the change
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