Steve Aoki - Golden Days (feat. Jim Adkins)

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Steve Aoki - Golden Days (feat. Jim Adkins) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 748 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Steve Aoki


Neon Future III

Lyrics Title

Golden Days (feat. Jim Adkins)






I think I'm overdrinking
Life's too short anyway
I think I'm overthinking
My brain hurts anyway

I called you like a thousand times
Your alibi's running so wild in my head

It's only life
We got so much, we got so much time
It's only time
We're still so alive
I close my eyes and dream about you leaving
I close my eyes and you're still gone
It's only life
We got so much, we got so much time

Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah
Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah

I think I'm oversleeping
Tonight's too short anyway
I hate the hands I'm shaking
I'd rather be far away

I called you like a thousand times
Your alibi's running so wild in my head

It's only life
We got so much, we got so much time
It's only time
We're still so alive
I close my eyes and dream about you leaving
I close my eyes and you're still gone
It's only life
We got so much, we got so much time

Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah
Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah

It's only life
And we got so much, we got so much time
It's only time
We're still so alive
I close my eyes and dream about you leaving
I close my eyes and you're still gone
It's only life
And we got so much, we got so much time

Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah
Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah

It's only life
Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah
It's only life
Let's talk about the golden days, oh-oh, yeah
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