Marlo Feat. Hoodrich Pablo Juan - Pointers

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Marlo Feat. Hoodrich Pablo Juan - Pointers was added to the Free2Music database on November 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 718 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Real 1

Lyrics Title

Pointers (feat. HoodRich Pablo Juan)




Hip-Hop Rap


Yeah, yeah, yeah
Pablo Juan, nigga
Let's go

That thirty-six came with a .40 Glock
Got racks in the vault I forgot about
Four rings on, pushin' the Audi out
Beat the case, they can't prove without a doubt
Pull up new Benz, tennis chain with the pointers
You fuck niggas ain't gonna beat us, better join us
cheerleader, all my bitches is foreign
I don't even tell the truth to my lawyers
I need a thick bitch if she loyal
See the Wizard of Oz and the
She a freak, she let me fuck her like a whore
She suckin' that dick that's a chore
She got some titties, she got a ass-galore
Blow the sack like I used to be poor
Kept my gun, same color door
Hood nigga, I fucked that bitch on the floor

I'm the heavyweight, take that bitch on a dinner date
Hood nigga, the streets I authenticate
From the PJ's, shoot the ball in the crate
Forty pointers on, now I can skate
I got on Cuban link, I'm plugged out in the BAPE
C's my Cartier match Chanaynay
Nut in her mouth like a payday
Put an extra fifty rounds in the AK
I fuck and I'm gone, don't give me no headache
Stuck, geeked off the lean like I meditate
Rari' pull up, nigga, who wanna race?
She a freak, she like when I skeet on her face
She killin' that pussy, I'm catchin' a case
I can't go broke I'm
That Rollie gon' tell me the day and the date
Diamonds hittin' like Gervonta Davis

Just bought a brick, came with a .40 Glock
Got racks in the vault I forgot about
Four rings on, pushin' the
Glad I got rich, nigga, that without a doubt
Pull up, a new whip, tenant chain with the pointers
You fuck niggas ain't gonna beat us, better join us
cheerleader, all my bitches is foreign
I don't even tell the truth to my lawyers
I need a thick bitch if she loyal
See the Wizard of Oz and the
She a freak, she let me fuck her like a whore
She suckin' that dick that's a chore
She got some titties, she got a ass-galore
Blow the sack like I used to be poor
Kept my gun, same color door
Hood nigga, I fucked that bitch on the floor

I don't even tell the truth to my lawyer
When he asks about a body, I'll straight up ignore him
Niggas be real real
Yeah, and the dope came with a Migos FN
And it must be two sides yeah, just me and my friends
Whippin' that dope and it came out the water
If a nigga play with the gang, and say my name
I will control their block, shots get popped, non-stop
Yeah, I will control that rock
For the money, power, respect the
Yeah, we control the rock

Just bought a brick, came with a .40 Glock
Got racks in the vault I forgot about
Four rings on, pushin' the
Glad I got rich, nigga, that without a doubt
Pull up, a new whip, tenant chain with the pointers
You fuck niggas ain't gonna beat us, better join us
cheerleader, all my bitches is foreign
I don't even tell the truth to my lawyers
I need a thick bitch if she loyal
See the Wizard of Oz and the
She a freak, she let me fuck her like a whore
She suckin' that dick that's a chore
She got some titties, she got a ass-galore
Blow the sack like I used to be poor
Kept my gun, same color door
Hood nigga, I fucked that bitch on the floo
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