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Better Than Ezra - Good was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 514 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Better Than Ezra


Better Than Ezra: Greatest Hits

Lyrics Title







Looking around the house
Hidden behind the window and the door
Searching for signs of life
But there's nobody home
Well, maybe I'm just too sure
Or maybe I'm just too frightened by the sound of it
Pieces of note fall down, but the letter said

Aha, it was good
Living with you, aha, it was good
Ah-ah-ah-ah-aha it was good
Living with you, aha, it was good
Ah-ah-ah, good good good
Sitting around the house
Watching the sun trace the shadow on the floor
Searching for signs of life
But there's nobody home
Well, maybe I'll call or I'll write you a letter
Now maybe we'll see on the fourth of July
But I'm not too sure, and I'm not too proud
Well I'm not sure, and I'm not too proud to say

Yeah, you were so good
Yeah, you were so good
Yeah, that's right
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