Music Detail

Shy Glizzy - Make It Out was added to the Free2Music database on October 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 747 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


Quiet Storm

Lyrics Title

Make It Out




Hip-Hop Rap


Rest in peace YC, you with me forever
GG, gang gang gang, yeah

Ooh I think she like me, I don't blame her, why not?
A nigga stay icy and a nigga stay strapped
And plus I'm really swaggin' and she know I got racks
He be acting like a faggot, he won't ever get her back
I used to see that Bentley and I said one day I'll drive it
I used to think a million was a lot until I got it
My bitch actin' suspicious and she say she gettin' tired
But every time she see this dick somehow she get excited
Now I'm on the west coast, I'm riding up through Compton
Seen your ass at A-O-D, you wasn't blowin' nothing
Let a nigga play with me and GG get to dumpin'
Hangin' out the G Wag', look at him, he stunting

Say ma, come on let's love on each other
I can ease your mind, help you get over your lover
Told my niggas that I love 'em, we gon' ride for each other
I got one and only brother, we both down for each other
All my niggas they gon' ride for me
I got some bad bitches that's gon' drive for me
If they fuck with bitch niggas they play hide and seek
Tell me can a young nigga make it out the streets?

Yeah I been that nigga way before I got rich
I robbed a lot of niggas way before I got rich
I fucked a lot of bitches way before I got rich
Young nigga sold a brick way before he got rich
If I told my niggas hit they gon' come blow off your shit
Unload extended clips, that shit be poppin' off the wrist
I got a lil bitch, she be boppin' on the dick
Baddest bitch I ever seen, she got them lips you gotta kiss
Please excuse my language, don't mean to offend no strangers
Just look at me, I'm famous and that's why I'm armed and dangerous
She used to the complainers, ooh she like when I restrain her
Say she gon' hold me down, yeah that's my bae, that's my retainer

Say ma, come on let's love on each other
I can ease your mind, help you get over your lover
Told my niggas that I love 'em, we gon' ride for each other
I got one and only brother, we both down for each other
All my niggas they gon' ride for me
I got some bad bitches that's gon' drive for me
If they fuck with bitch niggas they play hide and seek
Tell me can a young nigga make it out the streets?
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