Music Detail

Backstreet Boys - Helpless When She Smiles was added to the Free2Music database on November 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 668 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Backstreet Boys



Lyrics Title

Helpless When She Smiles






She keeps her secrets in her eyes
She wraps the truth inside her lies
Just when I can't say what she's done to me
She comes to me and leads me back to paradise
She's so hard to hold
But I can't let go

I'm a house of cards in a hurricane
A reckless ride in the pouring rain
She cuts me and the pain is all I want to feel
She'll dance away just like a child
She drives me crazy, drives me wild
But I'm helpless when she smiles
Oh, when she smiles
She smiles

Maybe I'd fight if I could
It hurts so bad but feels so good
She opens up just like a rose to me
When she's close to me
Anything she'd ask me to, I would
It's out of control but I can't let go

When she looks at me
I get so weak
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