The Chainsmokers - Good Intentions ft. BullySongs

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The Chainsmokers - Good Intentions ft. BullySongs was added to the Free2Music database on November 17, 2018. Published the day it was watched 753 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Chainsmokers Ft. BullySongs

Lyrics Title

Good Intentions (Extended Mix)




Electronic Pop Rock


I got something to say
A confession of me
I've been led astray
Tried so hard to change
But I'm set on my ways
My words mean nothing again

I promised I'd be good
But I can't help myself from these temptations
When they call, there's nothing I can do
I promised I'd be good
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So when I fall, I will fall to you

I promised I'd be
I promised I'd be good

I just couldn't resist
It was the moment of bliss
I know it's hard to forgive
It's too late for changes
All this time I've wasted
Words mean nothing, nothing again

I promised I'd be good
But I can't help myself from these temptations
When they call, there's nothing I can do
I promised I'd be good
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So when I fall, I will fall to you

I promised I'd be
I promised I'd be good

I promised I'd be good
But I can't help myself from these temptations
When they come, there's nothing I can do
I promised I'd be good
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So when I fall, I will fall to you

I promised I'd be good
But I can't help myself from these temptations
When they call, there's nothing I can do
I promised I'd be good
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So when I fall, I will fall to you
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