The Only - Looking Back (Walden Remix)

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The Only - Looking Back (Walden Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on November 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 621 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Only


Looking Back - EP

Lyrics Title

Looking Back




Electronic Dance


I said we don't belong together
That we would only get in our way
I said it couldn't last forever
(And ever)
That it would hurt more if I stayed
(I should have stayed away)
I tried to run from you
Feels like I'm running on a track
I keep on looking back
I keep on looking back
Why, oh why
do I say cruel words and never take them back
when you take me back?
Why, oh why
do I fight so hard to push you far away
when I want you to stay?
I should've just stayed away
Stayed away
I should've just stayed away
Stayed away
Why, oh why
do I try so hard to throw it all away?
I tried to run from you
But I was running on a track
I keep on looking back
I keep on looking back
I keep on looking back
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