Music Detail

John Legend - So High was added to the Free2Music database on November 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 943 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




John Legend


Get Lifted (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

So High




R&B Soul


Mmm, ooo

Baby, since the day you came into my life

You made me realize that we were born to fly

You showed me everyday new possibilities

You proved my fantasies, what love could really be

Let's go to a place only lovers go

To a spot that we've never known
To the top of a cloud we're floating away

Ooh, this feels so crazy, how this love is blazing

Baby, we're so high, walking on cloud nine

(You got me up so high)
So high
(My shoes are scraping the sky)
So high
(You got me up so high)
(My shoes are scraping the sky)
Maybe later we could go up to the moon

Or sail among the stars before the night is through

And when morning comes we'll see the sun is not so far

And we can't get much closer to God than where we are

We'll go to a place only lovers go

To a spot that we've never known
To the top of the clouds we're floating way, yeah

Ooh, this feels so crazy, oh, this love is blazing

And baby, we're so high, walking on cloud nine

(You got me up so high)
So high
(My shoes are scraping the sky)
So high
(You got me up so high)
Oh, yeah
(My shoes are scraping the sky)
Ooh, yeah

Ooh ohh


Ooh, this feels so crazy, how this love is blazing

Baby, we're so high, walking on cloud nine

You got me up so high
You got me up so high

You got me up so high
My shoes are scraping the sky
You got me up so high

You got me up so high
You got me up so high
My shoes are scraping the sky
Ooh ooh, yeah

Mmm yeah, yeah

This is how love's supposed to be, yeah
This is how, this is how love's supposed to be, yeah

Let's go to the moon baby, ooh

Let's go to the moon baby, yeah

Let's go, go, let's go to the moon, baby

So high
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