Jennifer Lopez - Baila (from Feelin' so Good)

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Jennifer Lopez - Baila (from Feelin' so Good) was added to the Free2Music database on October 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 920 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Jennifer Lopez


On The 6

Lyrics Title





Pop R&B Soul


Let's break all the rules
Come on baby me and you
Baila, come on baby baila
Baila, come on baby baila
Baila, come on baby baila
Let's break all the rules
Come on baby me and you

You took my love to another level and
Boy, I'm so happy I don't have to settle
Nobody else but you because everything you do
Breaks all the rules

Baila, come on baby baila
Let's break all the rules
Come on baby me and you
Baila, come on baby baila
I don't care what they say
Come on baby dance with me

Boy, you're my destiny
My final ecstasy
There's no higher place
That I could ever feel
A love so strong, so real
The way I feel with you
Breaks all the rules

Baila, come on baby baila
Let's break all the rules
Come on baby me and you
Baila, come on baby baila
I don't care what they say
Come on baby dance with me
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