Music Detail

MK X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill - Back & Forth was added to the Free2Music database on November 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 726 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




MK, Jonas Blue & Becky Hill

Lyrics Title

Back & Forth






It's the same old story in this tug of war
(We go back and forth, we go back and forth)
But it ain't good for me
What we do this for?
We go back and forth, won’t do this, no (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
We go back and forth (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
Won’t do this, no

All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her

You're only nice when you wanna be
You always leave me wondering, wondering
It's not as simple as you and me
Can never tell if I'm in love with him or lost with him

Tryna find an in between it's all, it's all or nothing
You pull me back when you feel me slip away
Deceive me with your loving

It's the same old story in this tug of war
(We go back and forth, we go back and forth)
But it ain't good for me
What we do this for?
We go back and forth, won’t do this, no (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
We go back and forth (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
We go back and forth
Won’t do this, no

All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her

With you, there's no reasoning
I'm done with fighting all the time, all the time
I'm tryna speak, you're not listening
Closed ears with open eyes, broken minds

Tryna find an in between, it's all, it's all or nothing
You pull me back when you feel me slip away
Deceive me with your loving

It's the same old story in this tug of war
(We go back and forth, we go back and forth)
But it ain't good for me
What we do this for?
We go back and forth, won’t do this, no (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
We go back and forth (oh, woah)
We go back and forth
We go back and forth
Won’t do this, no more

All, all we, all
All, all, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, always never tell her
All, all we, all
All, always never tell he
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