Buckcherry - Everything

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Buckcherry - Everything was added to the Free2Music database on November 19, 2018. Published the day it was watched 676 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title







Buried way beneath the sheets
I think she's havin' a meltdown
Finding it hard to fall asleep
She won't let anyone help her
The look on her face
A waste of time
She won't let go
Gonna roll the dice
Losin' her grace
Starts to cry
I feel her pain
When I look in her--
I wanna be
I want everything
I want everything
Somewhere she is on the streets
Trying to make things better
Praying to God and breathin' deep
Gotta break this long obsession
The look on her face
A waste of time
She won't let go
Gonna roll the dice
Losin' her grace
Starts to cry
I feel her pain
When I look in her--
I wanna be
I want everything
I want everything
I wanna be
I want everything
I want everything
If I had everything would I
Still want to be alive
Or want to be high
If I had everything would I
Still want to be alive
Or want to be high
Now and then she talks to me
And sometimes writes me letters
The look on her face
A waste of time
She won't let go
Gonna roll the dice
Losin' her grace
Starts to cry
I feel her pain
When I look in her--
I wanna be
I want everything
I want everything
You know, I, I wanna be
Yeah I want everything
I wanted everything
Your eyes
Never close your eyes
And open up your mind
And baby, you could have everything
Your eyes
Never close your eyes
And open up your mind
And baby, you could have everything
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