Becky G - You Love It (Audio)

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Becky G - You Love It (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 24, 2019. Published the day it was watched 655 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Becky G

Lyrics Title

You Love It






I just I just I just
Wanna load this on the pod
Call up my homegirls and put it up in the car

Ride through the city and run through the lights
This ganna be our theme song for trouble tonight
See a cutie pull up right next to me (next to me)
Give him the digits he can't stop textin me (textin me)
We just riding we rolling you know how we cruise
And when this come on yeah you know how we do

You wanna hear something to make you wild and crazy
Heat the block up like toasters
Everytime you chillin and you with ya homies
You need a little something for the turn up

You should turn this up on ya radio
Play it in the club
Keep it on replay
Show me some love
Over and over again
Make it ya song
Party to this one until the morn'
Cause I know I know I know you love it
I know I know I know you love it
I know I know I know you love it
So turn it up and baby keep it bumpin

So turn it up to the max the louder it gets the more I wanna shake my... (hands)
This beat is so hot I swear that it hurt
This beat is so hot it makes you wanna twerk (twerk twerk)
Fellas looking they keep jocking me (jockin me)
My body movin so they watching me (watchin me)
Well I'm gon give you something you can look look look at
As soon as the Dr give me that
Boom boom boom ahhh

You wanna hear something to make you wild and crazy
Heat the block up like toasters
Everytime you chillin and you with ya homies
You need a little something for the turn up

You should turn this up on ya radio
Play it in the club
Keep it on replay
Show me some love
Over and over again
Make it ya song
Party to this one until the morn'
Cause I know I know I know you love it
I know I know I know you love it
I know I know I know you love it
So turn it up and baby keep it bumpin

93 3
I know I know you love it
93 3 I know you keep it bumpin
Turn it up
Play it loud
And don't you stop
Blow the speakers out...

Turn this up on ya radio
Play it in the club
Keep it on replay
Show me some love
Over and over again
Make it ya song
Party to this one until the morn'
Cause I know I know I know you love it
I know I know I know you love it
Yeah I know I know I know you love it
So turn it up and baby keep it bumpin (keep it bumpin)

Lean with it rock with it oh
Lean with it rock with it ayy
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