Kaan Özdemir - Artık Olmuyor was added to the Free2Music database on March 24, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,218 times since. Other information about free music is below.
Gülümsemek mi hiç kalmadı
Sevmek mi artık olmuyor
Kaç kere öldüm ben
Artık acımıyor bile
Dokunduğum her ten sanki yalan
Çok oldu beni sevecek sanan
Hepsi sende kaldı kalbimin
Bana kocaman yalan
The Free Music platform serves visitors with 2125 singers, 1172 albums and 5549 musics in 85 music categories. Also 2873 lyrics and 48076 singers photos are on our web site. By categorizing the music, we are constantly working to make you enjoy the best quality music. Free 2 Music music lists are created with special formulas for you.