Shy Glizzy - Handle The Truth

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Shy Glizzy - Handle The Truth was added to the Free2Music database on March 09, 2019. Published the day it was watched 832 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Shy Glizzy

Lyrics Title

Handle The Truth






Young Jefe holmes
Oh, GG for life
When I say that I mean that shit, you know


I'm just a young nigga on his grind
I was on the block too, was selling dimes
Now I can't give up, 30 this my time
She say love me, don't believe her, think she lyin'
They don't know what to do, there's niggas dyin'
I'ma bring my whole crew so we can shine
Hangin' out the roof, I lost my mind
He think she can't handle the truth so he keep lyin'

I don't owe you no favors, you a leech
If you a hater then you can't come in my reach
Oh you remember Lil Keesy from the streets
Remember Lil Keesy used to beat his feet
I always had swag but now I got a bag
She always been a cutie, now she got an ass
She asked me is this shit forever, told her make it last
Girl you know a real nigga won't bring up your past
Can someone please tell me why these bitches feel so deeply?
If ain't no one support me, had my grandma and Aunt DeeDee
Yeah I had my mother, had my brother, and I had GG
These niggas wanna be me so these niggas cannot see me, woah

I'm just a young nigga on his grind
I was on the block too, was selling dimes
Now I can't give up, 30 this my time
She say love me, don't believe her, think she lyin'
They don't know what to do, there's niggas dyin'
I'ma bring my whole crew so we can shine
Hangin' out the roof, I lost my mind
He think she can't handle the truth so he keep lyin'

Walkin' through TSA, we smellin' like them pounds
But that's okay 'cause bitch we just checked in them rounds
Same bitch that smile in your face give you a frown
I heard she got one on the way, it's by a clown
She seen my neck and that lil pussy got wet
Let's make a bet that that bitch give me some neck
Any disrespect, you know that shit gotta get checked
That's fucked up how lil homie had to go out for the set
You dealin' with a savage, baby what you wanna do?
And this shit made me heartless, might not make no space for you
I'd be a whole lot richer if I ain't spend so much on jewels
And you'd have time for a real nigga if you didn't spend so much on fools

I'm just a young nigga on his grind
I was on the block too, was selling dimes
Now I can't give up, 30 this my time
She say love me, don't believe her, think she lyin'
They don't know what to do, there's niggas dyin'
I'ma bring my whole crew so we can shine
Hangin' out the roof, I lost my mind
He think she can't handle the truth so he keep lyin'

Yeah, Young Jefe holmes
Oh-oh-oh, bang

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