Jowst - Roller Coaster Ride (feat. Maria Celin, Manel Navarro) (LÖVI Remix)

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Jowst - Roller Coaster Ride (feat. Maria Celin, Manel Navarro) (LÖVI Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on March 09, 2019. Published the day it was watched 644 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Roller Coaster Ride (feat. Maria Celin, Manel Navarro)






Did I gave up was it too hard
Or was it hard too hard 'cause I just gave up, just gave up
Did I take away the day 'cause I was tired
Or did I get tired 'cause I slept too much, slept too much

We go up and down, we go up and down
On this roller coaster ride, roller coaster ride
We fall back sometimes, we fall back sometimes
On this roller coaster ride
In this roller coaster ride

(In this roller coaster ride)

I don't even know what I'm thinking
Didn't see it coming but I don't mind, I don't mind
I don't even know how to do this
I don't need mama to show me how, show me how

We go up and down, we go up and down
On this roller coaster ride, roller coaster ride
We fall back sometimes, we fall back sometimes
On this roller coaster ride
In this roller coaster ride

In this roller coaster ride

We fall back sometimes, we fall back sometimes
On this roller coaster ride
(roller-roller-roller-roller coaster ride)

May be I can talk that out
Figure out a way to stay inside the box
Living in the floor
I know that if I just keep trying
If I don't keep wasting time
Will love is sure been on the go
In this roller coaster ride
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