Kygo - Stargazing (feat. Justin Jesso & Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra) (Orchestral Version)

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Kygo - Stargazing (feat. Justin Jesso & Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra) (Orchestral Version) was added to the Free2Music database on March 08, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,030 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Stargazing (Orchestral Version)






You're saying it's hopeless, that I should hope less
Heaven can help us, well maybe "she" might
You say it's beyond us, what is beyond us?
Let's see and decide
We've been meteoric, even before this
Burns half as long when it's twice as bright
So if it's beyond us, then it's beyond us
Let's see and decide

And I will still be here, stargazing
I'll still look up, look up
Look up for love
I will still be here, stargazing
I'll still look up, look up
Look up for love

I'm trying to save us, you don't wanna save us
You blame human nature, and say it's unkind
Let's make up our own minds, we've got our whole lives
Let's see and decide, decide

And I will still be here, stargazing
I'll still look up, look up
Look up for love
Stars don't disappear, they keep blazing
Even when the night is over
That's how I find the light
That's how I find the light
And I will still be here, stargazing
I'll still look up, look up
Look up for love
Stars don't disappear, they keep blazing
Even when the night is over
That's how I find the light
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