The Chainsmokers - Waterbed

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The Chainsmokers - Waterbed was added to the Free2Music database on December 10, 2018. Published the day it was watched 917 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Chainsmokers


Piano Dreamers Cover the Chainsmokers

Lyrics Title





Electronic Dance


Freely feeling everything
You had me reeling
All along the bottom of the deep sea
Can I shake this feeling?
Can I shake this feeling?

Tonight, light a fire
We'll be flying up and higher
Burning bright, taking flight
As we leave all our worries behind
It is something special you have
If you didn't know, but now just

Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed

Freely feeling everything
You had me reeling
Can I shake this feeling?

Tonight, light a fire
We'll be flying up and higher
Burning bright, taking flight
As we leave all our worries behind
It is something special you have
If you didn't know, but now just

Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed

Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Can I shake this feeling?
Can I shake this feeling?
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Can I shake this feeling?
Can I shake this feeling?

Can I shake this feeling?
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Can I shake this feeling?
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Make your ass shake like a waterbed
Can I shake this feeling?
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