Backstreet Boys - The One (AC3 Stereo)

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Music Detail

Backstreet Boys - The One (AC3 Stereo) was added to the Free2Music database on December 26, 2018. Published the day it was watched 790 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Backstreet Boys


The Hits--Chapter One

Lyrics Title

The One






I'll be the one

I guess you were lost when I met you
Still there were tears in your eyes
So out of trust and I knew
No more than mysteries and lies

There you are, wild and free
Reachin' out like you needed me
A helping hand to make it right
I am holding you all through the night

I'll be the one (I'll be the one)
Who will make all your sorrows undone
I'll be the light (I'll be the light)
When you feel like there's nowhere to run
I'll be the one

To hold you and make sure that you'll be alright
'Cause my faith is gone
And I want to take you from darkness to light

There you are, wild and free
Reachin' out like you needed me
A helping hand to make it right
I am holding you all through the night

I'll be the one (I'll be the one)
Who will make all your sorrows undone
I'll be the light (I'll be the light)
When you feel like there's nowhere to run
I'll be the one

To hold you, and make sure that you'll be alright

You need me like I need you
We can share our dreams comin' true
I can show you what true love means
Just take my hand, baby please...

I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it alright
I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run

I'll be the one (I'll be the one)
Who will make all your sorrows undone
I'll be the light (I'll be the light)
When you feel like there's nowhere to run
I'll be the one

I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it alright
I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it alright
I'll be the one

To hold you, and make sure that you'll be alright
I'll be the one
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