Music Detail

Hailee Steinfeld - Rock Bottom (Animated) was added to the Free2Music database on January 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 761 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Hailee Steinfeld


Haiz - EP

Lyrics Title

Rock Bottom






What are we fighting for?
Seems like we do it just for fun
In this, this stupid war
We play hard with our plastic guns

Breathe deep, bottle it up
So deep until it's all we got
Don't speak, just use your touch
Don't speak before we say too much

You hate me now and I feel the same way
You love me now and I feel the same way
We scream and we shout
And make up the same day, same day

Oh, we're on the right side of rock bottom
And I hope that we keep falling
We're on the good side of bad karma
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
We're on the right side of rock bottom
Into you, I just keep crawling
You're the best kind of bad something
'Cause we keep on coming back for more

You get under my skin
More than anyone's ever been
But when we lay in bed
You hold me hard 'til I forget

That you hate me now and I feel the same way
You love me now and I feel the same way
We scream and we shout
And make up the same day, same day

Oh, we're on the right side of rock bottom
And I hope that we keep falling
We're on the good side of bad karma
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
We're on the right side of rock bottom
Into you, I just keep crawling
You're the best kind of bad something
'Cause we keep on coming back for more

Keep on coming back for more
'Cause we keep on coming back for more

What are we fighting for?
Seems like we do it just for fun
In this, this stupid war
We play hard with our plastic guns

Oh, we're on the right side of rock bottom
And I hope that we keep falling
We're on the good side of bad karma
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
We're on the right side of rock bottom
Into you, I just keep crawling
You're the best kind of bad something
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
Keep on coming back for more
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
Keep on coming back for more
'Cause we keep on coming back for more
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