Tropico Band - Zar Ti

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Tropico Band - Zar Ti was added to the Free2Music database on January 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 784 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tropico Band


The Best Of

Lyrics Title

Zar Ti






Ti si odnela sve, moje srusila sne
iza ledja me varala s drugim.
A sad me vidis sa njom,

i u porazu tvom, tvoju ranjenu sujetu budim.
Ref. 2x
Zar ti, sto za ljubav ne znas,
zar ti, koja duse nemas,
pred tobom i djavo pocrveni,
'ko si ti da sudis sad o meni?!
Kazes govore svi, nije lepa k'o ti,
ali dobra je da te prebolim.
Da za bolje sam ja, da i ona to zna,
da bez tebe ne umem da volim.
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Ko si ti da sudis sad o meni...
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