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Lil Yachty - POP OUT (feat. Jban$2Turnt) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on March 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 921 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty


Lil Boat 2

Lyrics Title

POP OUT (feat. Jban$2Turnt)




Hip-Hop Rap


Uh, yeah bitch
Yeah bitch
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm in the hood, I'm with winners
Basketball seat in a Beamer
Pull up with sticks, pull up with clips, all on the hip
I turn a two to a six
Servin' these stripper hoes dick
You suckin' me, yeah, and I know it
All of this money I blow it
All of these hoes, yeah they goin'
All of my shooters they blowin'

Anyway, why you come over here if you ain't going
You a hoe thot and I know this
Beatin' the pot with the elbow
Skrt out the lane with the new whip
Diamonds in the ear like a Q-tip
Bitch give me top with them duck lips
Your boyfriend, he scared of me
I'm geeked up on dumb inside of me
Hairy pussy give me allergies
Bitch I don't shop at no Malleries
I get my diamonds from Icebox
Big Gucci link with the white rocks
Just like Chicago like White Sox
Tryna get a bitch with some dreadlocks
I got a bitch sippin' Railroad
Ion even know where she came from
I walk around with an AK
Damn, that shit sound like a snare drum, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, yeah pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, uh, pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, ha, pop out

Pop out
Yeah, yeah pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, uh, pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, ha, pop out
Pop out, yeah pop out
Yeah, yeah world star
What's up with all of that fuck shit?
Yeah, what's up? what's up with all of that fuck shit
Yeah, yeah pop out, pop out, pop out

Rock out
I bring the guap out
I bring the work on the block with the Glock out
I pop a perc make it tap out
This is the modern day Toto, ey
Diamonds on lighthouse
Best she wanna sit like a White House
Double my cup till I pass out
Sippin' Act now, uh
Treat the Maybach like a Honda
Speed it up, swervin', might fall out
Lil' baby know I'm not average
I get the top, and I kick her out
My diamonds on igloo
I need that junk for my mental (yeah, yeah)
She pop that pussy, no pimple
Gucci myrules as I get loose
JBan$, JBan$, JBan$, yeah, yeah, yeah

Pop out
Yeah, yeah pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, uh, pop out, yeah, yeah pop out
Yeah, ha, pop out
Pop out, yeah pop out
Yeah, yeah world star
What's up with all of that fuck shit?
Yeah, what's up? what's up with all of that fuck shit
Yeah, yeah pop out, pop out, pop out
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