Paige & Nikki Era - Beating Hearts

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Music Detail

Paige & Nikki Era - Beating Hearts was added to the Free2Music database on January 21, 2019. Published the day it was watched 611 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Paige & Nikki Era

Lyrics Title

Beating Hearts






Today's the day
I'm meant to meet you at the café
The one that's right next to our old place
Yeah, I know it's been a while
I had a hard night
I'm running a little late, but please wait
I've got something that I need to say
It'll all change after that
I still hear the sound of your heart
It's beating like a drum
I still hear the sound of your heart
Traffic's a bitch
It takes an hour just to reach you
How I wish that we could start anew
And I'll wake up in your arms
You just can't come back and
Take your life back and
You can't come back and
Get it all back
You just can't come back and
Expect your life back and
You just can't come back and
Take it all back
I still hear the sound of your heart
It's beating like a drum
I still hear the sound of your heart
It's beating like a drum
I still hear the sound of your heart
It's beating like a drum
I still hear the sound of your heart
I still hear the sound of your heart
I still hear the sound of your heart
Today's the day
I'm meant to meet you at the café
But in the end I just turned away
It'll all change after that
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