Troye Sivan - My My My! (Live on SNL)

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Troye Sivan - My My My! (Live on SNL) was added to the Free2Music database on January 26, 2019. Published the day it was watched 715 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Troye Sivan

Lyrics Title

My My My!






Shine on, diamond
Don't make me wait another day
'Cause passion is passion

You know it just as well as me

Now, let's stop running from love
Running from love
Let's stop, my baby (my baby)
Let's stop running from us
Running from us
Let's stop, my baby

Oh my, my, my!
I die every night with you
Oh my, my, my!
Living for your every move

Spark up, buzz cut
I got my tongue between your teeth
Go slow, no, no, go fast
You like it just as much as me

Now, let's stop running from love
Running from love
Let's stop, my baby (my baby)
Let's stop running from us
Running from us
Let's stop, my baby

Oh my, my, my!
I die every night with you
Oh my, my, my!
Living for your every move
Oh my, my, my!
I die every night with you
Oh my, my, my!
Living for your every move (every move)
Oh my, my, my!
My, my, my!

Should be the last night ever
Should be the last night we're apart
Got my name on this treasure
On this treasure

Oh my, my, my!
(My, my, my!)
I die every night with you
(I die, I die, I die, I die, yeah, yeah)
Oh my, my, my!
Living for your every move
(Living for, living for, yeah)
Oh my, my, my!
I die every night with you
(Oh my, my, my! Oh my, my, my!)
Oh my, my, my!
Living for your every move
(Living for your every move)
Oh my, my, my!
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