Troye Sivan - Animal

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Troye Sivan - Animal was added to the Free2Music database on January 25, 2019. Published the day it was watched 839 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Troye Sivan



Lyrics Title







I told you something safe
Something I've never said before
And I, I, I can't keep my hands off you

While you're lying awake
Covered all in the night before
I'm high, high, high, no one's got me quite like you

I want you all to myself
Don't leave none for nobody else
I am an animal with you

No angels could beckon me back
It's hotter than hell where I'm at
I am an animal with you (animal, animal)

An ode to the boy I love
Boy, I'll die to care for you
You're mine, mine, mine, tell me who do I owe that to?

And as the days fly by
We'll be more than getting through
In time, time, time, we'll build a home for two

I want you all to myself
Don't leave none for nobody else
I am an animal with you

No angels could beckon me back
It's hotter than hell where I'm at
I am an animal with you

All is right in the meadow
When I'm lying next to my fellow
Baby, that's you
Baby, that's
Baby, that's you, you-you

One way trip like an arrow
All laid out like a tarot
Baby, that's you
Baby, that's
Baby, that's you, you-you

I want you all to myself
Don't leave none for nobody else
I am an animal with you
No angels could beckon me back
It's hotter than hell where I'm at
I am an animal with you
I am an animal with you
I am an animal with you
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