Bimbo Jones - And I Try (feat. Katherine Ellis)

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Bimbo Jones - And I Try (feat. Katherine Ellis) was added to the Free2Music database on January 14, 2019. Published the day it was watched 803 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bimbo Jones


And I Try

Lyrics Title

And I Try






And i try
And i try
Got me trying

Give me life, show me love
Take me out of this place
Give me time, it's not enough
We've become such a waste

It's too early in the morning to be out on the street
My head is pounding and i've blistered my feet
Get me a cup of coffee and a warm place to hide
I'm tired of feeling lonely and i'm dying inside

And i try
I try and try to get through to you
And i try
Let me tell you why i'm following you
Yes i try
You do things to me that i can't repeat
You're a cheat, you're a liar
But my heart is one fire

Don't you know
I try and try to leave you alone
And i try
I've cried and cried down your telephone
Yes i try
Gotta let you know i'm breaking my rules
I'm a fool and i'm weak
But you got what i need

And i try

And i try

Too much love made me blind
What makes you so unkind
Take a look what you've done
You got me on the run, yeah

Too early in the morning to be out on the street
My head is pounding and i've blistered my feet
Get me a cup of coffee and a warm place to hide
Tired of feeling lonely and i'm dying inside

And i try
I try and try to get through to you
And i try
Let me tell you why i'm following you
Yes i try
You do things to me that i can't repeat
You're a cheat, you're a liar
But my heart is one fire

Don't you know
I try and try to leave you alone
And i try
I've cried and cried down your telephone
Yes i try
Gotta let you know i'm breaking my rules
I'm a fool and i'm weak
But you got what i need

And i try

Yes i try
Too much love
Too much love made me blind

And i try
I try and try to get through to you
And i try
Let me tell you why i'm following you
Yes i try
You do things to me that i can't repeat
You're a cheat, you're a liar
But my heart is one fire

Don't you know
I try and try to leave you alone
And i try
I've cried and cried down your telephone
Yes i try
Gotta let you know i'm breaking my rules
I'm a fool and i'm weak
But you got what i need

And i try
And i try
Got me trying
And i try
And i try
Too much love made me blind
And i try>
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