Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer (Live on the Honda Stage at the iHeartRadio Theater LA)

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Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer (Live on the Honda Stage at the iHeartRadio Theater LA) was added to the Free2Music database on January 29, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,069 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Fifth Harmony


Reflection (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title







If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now

It would hit you like a sledgehammer

I don't admit it, I play it cool
But every minute that I'm with you
I feel the fever and I won't lie, I break a sweat
My body's telling all the secrets I ain't told you yet

Oh oh
I struggle to contain
Woah oh
The love that's in my veins
Oh oh
And how it circulates
Oh oh

If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now
It would hit you like a sledgehammer
You're taken over the beat of my body, you just don't let up, don't let up
You're taken over the beat of my body but you lift me up, lift me up
If you take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer

So close together, so far apart
You're turning me on and my fire's waiting for your spark

Oh oh
I struggle to contain
Woah oh
The love that's in my veins
Oh oh
And how it circulates
Oh oh

If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now
It would hit you like a sledgehammer
You're taken over the beat of my body, you just don't let up, don't let up
You're taken over the beat of my body but you lift me up, lift me up
If you take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer

The truth is out, no stopping now, I'm getting closer
I've had enough, undress my love, I'm coming over
(If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer, oh
And if you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer, hammer, hammer)

If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now
It would hit you like a sledgehammer
You're taken over the beat of my body, you just don't let up, don't let up
You're taken over the beat of my body but you lift me up, lift me up
If you take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
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