Tiësto - Who Wants To Be Alone (Feat. Nelly Furtado) (Robbie Rivera Remix)

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Tiësto - Who Wants To Be Alone (Feat. Nelly Furtado) (Robbie Rivera Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 995 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Who Wants To Be Alone




Electronic Pop Folk Hip-Hop Rock Stage Screen World Country


I was waiting for you to notice me
I been hanging around for a minute
Baby dont give me u it won't hurt me
I dont even know if u deserve me
But with that moon in the sky
Who wants to be alone
And when the stars shine so bright
Who wants to be alone

Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Right next to me
You wanna be
Till the sun comes up
I am goin nowhere in a hurry
Baby come take away all my worries
But with that moon in the sky
Who wants to be alone
And when the stars shine so bright
Who wants to be alone
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Right next to me
You wanna be
Till the sun comes up
Im out of my head
Im out of my head
Im out of my head
Im out of my head
Im out of my head
But with that moon in the sky
Who wants to be alone
And when the stars shine so bright
Who wants to be alone
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Dont take me home till the sun comes up till the sun comes up
Right next to me
You wanna be
Till the sun comes up
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