Meghan Trainor - I'll Be Home

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Meghan Trainor - I'll Be Home was added to the Free2Music database on February 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 730 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Meghan Trainor

Lyrics Title

I'll Be Home






Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Winter love is spreading everywhere"
Summer came and took off with the spring

So, now we star the Christmas caroling
I'll find my way back home
And light up every tree
We will hang our stockings for you and one for me
'Cause Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Pack your bags and tell them you'll be late"
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas
I promise, I promise I'll be home
I'll be home
I'll be home
Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Wrap the gifts with all your love and care"
The wind blow snow up in the sky
But I won't let the wind to lay my flight
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas
I promise, I promise I'll be home
I'll be home
I'll be home

Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Pack your bags and tell them you'll be there"
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas (I'll be home with my love)
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love
This Christmas (I'll be home with my love)
I promise, I promise I'll be home
I'll be home
I'll be home, I'll be home with my love
This Christmas
I promise, I promise, I'll be home
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