Calvin Harris - Thinking About You (feat. Ayah Marar) (Ludo Remix) (Audio)

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Calvin Harris - Thinking About You (feat. Ayah Marar) (Ludo Remix) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 829 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Calvin Harris


18 Months

Lyrics Title

Thinking About You (feat. Ayah Marar)






If I told you, that this couldn't get better baby
And your heartbeat, it lets me know you feel the same.
I can hold you, keep you safe until you fall asleep.

Never worried, cause I can give you what you need.

Now everything I do, is all for loving you.
Its not something that we're used to.
No other way to say, I need you every day.
And now I'm gonna change my ways.
And it's a part of you, I never wanna lose.
I'll do anything you want me to.
Like any other day, I know I'll find a way-aa-aay.
And if ever I'm alone you'll say.

I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.

In a moment, I know that everything could change.
And I know that, my life would never be the same.
You're the only way that's making sense to me.
When I close my eyes, you're the one, I see.
There's no other way I could ever be ... Without you babe.

Now everything I do, is all for loving you.
Its not something that we're used to.
No other way to say, I need you everyday.
And now I'm gonna change my ways.
And it's a part of you, I never wanna lose.
I'll do anything you want me to.
Like any other day, I know I'll find a way-aa-aay.
And if ever I'm alone you'll say.

I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking about you.
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