Troye Sivan - Plum (Live on the Honda Stage)

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Troye Sivan - Plum (Live on the Honda Stage) was added to the Free2Music database on January 25, 2019. Published the day it was watched 817 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Troye Sivan



Lyrics Title







Watching you sleep
Run my hands through your hair and it's got me thinking
What you mean to me

There's a chill in the air and a sinking feeling

Coming over me
Like bitter tangerine
Like sirens in the streets
Oh no

Maybe our time has come
Maybe we're overgrown
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long
Baby, we're barely holding on
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long

Jealous you can sleep
You've been keeping me up and I mouth the words
I think I wanna speak
Instead I'm wasting my time just pressing rewind

To all the nights we shared
The ripest peach or pear
But change is in the air, oh

Maybe our time has come
Maybe we're overgrown
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long
Baby, we're barely holding on
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long

I was summer, you were spring
You can't change what the seasons bring
Yeah, I was summer and you were spring
You can't change what the seasons bring

Maybe our time has come
Maybe we're overgrown
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long

Baby, we're barely holding on
Even the sweetest plum
Has only got so long

Maybe we're overgrown
The sweetest plum
Got so long (got so long)
The sweetest plum
Has only got so long
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