Mariah Carey - Giving Me Life (ft. Slick Rick, Blood Orange) (Audio)

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Mariah Carey - Giving Me Life (ft. Slick Rick, Blood Orange) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 704 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Mariah Carey

Lyrics Title

Giving Me Life




Pop Funk/Soul Hip-Hop


Hey, baby, what's happenin'? How you doin'?
We can make it, baby, me and you
(Me and you, me and you, me and you, me and you)

It wasn't really, wasn't really
It wasn't really much at all
It wasn't really

So, it's summertime, lil' splash a wine
And forget about it
If you're so inclined, let's take a ride tonight
So, then maybe if the stars align
We'll fix our minds on another tangent
And it's kinda like impossible to top this at all

Giving me life and it's everything
Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen
Feelin' myself like I'm Norma Jeane
Here in my arms is where you should be

It wasn't really, it wasn't really much
It wasn't really much at all
It wasn't really, it wasn't really
Wasn't really much at all

Oh, my philosophy
Doesn't quite apply to you and me
But I won't think too much
So, come on and feel my touch
It wasn't really much at all
Just a little sensitivity, yeah that's all
Here in my heart is where you should be
Ooh, you are

Giving me life and it's everything
Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen
Livin' like Babs 'cause it's evergreen
Here in my arms is where you should be

It wasn't really, it wasn't really much
It wasn't really much at all (It really wasn't)
It wasn't really, it wasn't really (The Ruler)
Wasn't really much at all

Wassup, ma? Hush, got fly
Here's a quest, why you left?
Was it my messed up eye? Why?
Reminisce, wannabe, huh?
See, hon, followed sheep from once the first chick
Clark Wallabees on (Beep, beep)
Swag, honey drip, spendin' some time
Remember them rhymes?
Your gold fronts looked better than mines did
Was ecstasy, poundin' in the BM
Clownin' me and that was way
Before wore gowns and the skin'
Givin' me life

Giving me life and it's everything (Mariah Carey)
Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen
Feelin' myself like I'm Norma Jeane (La, la, la-la)
Here in my arms is where you should be
(Where you should be)
Ooh, you are giving me life (Giving me life)
And it's everything (Everything)
Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen
(Thinkin' 'bout when we were)
Livin' like Babs 'cause it's evergreen
('Cause it's evergreen)
Here in my arms is where you should be
Ooh, you are giving me life and it's everything
(Wasn't really, wasn't really)
Thinkin' 'bout when we were seventeen
(Got me thinkin' bout' when we were, yeah, yeah)
(Wasn't really much at all)
Feeling myself like I'm Norma Jeane
(Said, I'm feeling myself like I'm)
(Wasn't really, wasn't really)
Here in my arms is where you should be
(Right here in my arms)
(Wasn't really much at all)
Giving me life and it's everything

It was a stone groove, my man
You are the most righteous
Yeah, right, just get the fuck out
(Get the fuck out, get the fuck out
Get the fuck out, get the fuck out)

Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
Giving me life and it's all (Giving me life)
Giving me life, da-da-da, yeah
(Yeah, givin', givin' me life)
Giving me life and it's all
(Wasn't really much at all, much at all)
(Giving me life)
Giving me life and it's all
(Wasn't really, wasn't really)
Giving me life and it's all
Giving me life and it's all
Giving me life and it's all
Giving me life and it's all
Giving me life and it's all
Whoa, whoa-whoa
Giving me life and it's all
Oh, giving me life and it's all
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