Shy Glizzy - Live Up To The Hype

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Shy Glizzy - Live Up To The Hype was added to the Free2Music database on January 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 699 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Shy Glizzy


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Lyrics Title

Live Up To the Hype




Hip-Hop Rap


Young Jefe, Holmes, yeah

Grab that pistol tight, same shit different night

These streets'll take your life, yeah, that's what we livin' like
That booty super soft, that thing be sitting high
I had to cut her off because I wasn't feelin' right
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
I promise, long as they put money I'ma be alright
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
Yeah, I'm just talkin' all this G shit, I ain't have to write

Okay, Glock on 2Pac and Pac is on Biggie
Send them hittas to your block and they gone drop a buck fifty
Fuck you mean, you ain't heard of me
Bitch it's Glizzy Glizzy
Yeah, you remember you was swervin' me
Now bitch show me your titties
Had to fast forward to a badder bitch
Stamps on my passport, places you ain't never been
Check my watch, that's a skeleton
Though at the block, I'm a veteran
Fed her mocks, you call 'em betterment
Girl, you ain't relevant
I want the better friend
Anthony Davis in the paint, fly like a pelican
I drink my medicine
Yeah, I'm so elegant

Grab that pistol tight, same shit different night
These streets'll take your life, yeah, that's what we livin' like
That booty super soft, that thing be sitting high
I had to cut her off because I wasn't feelin' right
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
I promise, long as they put money I'ma be alright
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
Yeah, I'm just talkin' all this G shit, I ain't have to write

Uh, oh, here I go
They tryna front like they ain't know
Your favorite rapper, he a ho
Yeah, I'm a chopper, that's 'til I go
I'm with your bitch, yeah that's my ho
I'm sending hits, from up the road
I never told, on sell my soul
Nigga, is you with the shit, promise me you'll never fold
Remember I went in his spot and brung a half a brick back
Then I had to click-clack cause niggas be on get back
He was in a kickback, listening to Dipset
A nigga had to get rack, I ain't with the chit-chat

Hold that pistol tight, same shit different night
These streets will take your life, yeah, that's what we livin' like
That booty super soft, that thing be sitting high
I had to cut her off because I wasn't feelin' right
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
I promise, long as they put money I'ma be alright
And no, I never been the type to live up to the hype
Yeah, I'm just talkin' all this G shit, I ain't have to write
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