Alana Davis - Crazy

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Alana Davis - Crazy was added to the Free2Music database on February 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 794 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alana Davis


Blame It On Me

Lyrics Title







You've got your home of the brave
And I've got my land of the free
You conform to what society says

And I conform to me
Looking for light in the corners,
Getting caught in the spider web
You look at me as if I'm giving a performance
When I'm just feeding my head.
And you know that I'm doing alright
And I won't explain myself to you just to avoid a fight
How I'm living ain't correct,
But for me, its just right

I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy.
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me

I've got a pair of ruby slippers that
That I don't wear much anymore
And if I had the nerve,
I'd click my heels and return
To the wonderland I knew before.
I'm waiting on a slow boat to China,
Wanna sail away to the sun.
I've been searching for myself,
And I know I'm gonna find her
If I break away from everyone
So, the way that I act may not fit in
Just because I got a mind of my own,
Doesn't mean its a sin.
I don't ask you to give up;
Don't expect me to give in.

I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me
Oh I'll say it again
I'm just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me

Some like to live for the moment,
Taking life into their hands every day.
And if they don't get killed,
They get so high off the thrill,
They could float to heaven anyway
And others want to save for tomorrow,
Thinking money is security.
Well, I understand the need,
But I don't get the greed.
They all seem pretty crazy to me.
You can tell by the expression I wear.
Though I seem a little strange to you
I don't really care. I've got the freedom to be
There are others like me everywhere

I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me
Oh I'll say it again
I'm just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me
Nobody to save me
I'm a little bit crazy
Nobody to save me
Nobody to save me
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