Music Detail

Janelle Monáe - Take A Byte was added to the Free2Music database on January 16, 2019. Published the day it was watched 787 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Janelle Monáe


Dirty Computer

Lyrics Title

Take A Byte




R&B Soul


I'm not the kind of girl you take home to your mama now
I tell you no lies
(I tell no lies)

Your code is programmed not to love me
But you can't pretend
Oh, what a surprise

Maybe it's lust, maybe it's love
Maybe it never ends
Ooh, say your goodbyes
(Say 'em now)
Play in my hair and nibble there all on my mocha skin
Yeah, just take a byte

Take a byte
(Just take a byte)
Help yourself
(Help yourself)
It's alright
Iit's alright)
I won't tell
(It feels so good when you nibble on it)
Take a byte
(Just take a byte)
Help yourself
(You look so good just help yourself)
Don't think twice
(Don't think twice)
I won't tell

My random access memory wants you to come again
No, don't say goodbye
(Don't say goodbye)
I saw my therapist she thinks you are my magic sin
Oh, maybe she's right
(Maybe she's right)
Well I'll just lick an angel just to purify again
Ooh, angels are fun
(They're so fun)
So dress me up I'll like it better if we both pretend
Yeah, make love 'til we're numb

Take a byte
(Just take a byte)
Help yourself
(Just go ahead and help yourself)
It's alright
(It's alright)
I won't tell
(Take a byte)
Take a byte
(Just take a byte)
Help yourself
(You look so good just help yourself)
Don't think twice
(Don't think twice)
I won't tell

Take a byte
(jJust take a byte)
Help yourself
(Help yourself)
It's alright (it's alright)
I won't tell
Take a byte
(Oh won't you just take a byte)
Help yourself
(Go on and help yourself)
It's alright
I won't tell

Just take a byte
You look so good just help yourself
It's alright
Take a little byte
Take a little byte
Take a little byte
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