Janelle Monáe - I Got The Juice (feat. Pharrell Williams)

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Janelle Monáe - I Got The Juice (feat. Pharrell Williams) was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 883 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Janelle Monáe


Dirty Computer

Lyrics Title

I Got The Juice (feat. Pharrell Williams)




R&B Soul


[Verse 1: Janelle Monáe]
You're so damn electric, you (alright)
You know you got that juice (yeah)
You know you got that juice (uh)
You know you got that juice (uh-huh)
Now, squeeze all that passionfruit (squeeze)
Ain't no one fresher than you (woo, fresher)
Ain't no one fresher than you (woo, fresher)
And if they try to break you, you say

[Pre-Chorus: Janelle Monáe & Pharrell Williams]
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
You're number one
Down, love
And don't you doubt it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Now, shine

[Chorus: Janelle Monáe]
I got the juice (juice tonight)
I'm the chaser, don't need a mixer
I got the juice (juice tonight)
Baby, I'm the plug and the filter
I got the juice (juice tonight)
How many damn times I got to tell y'all?
I got the juice (juice tonight)
Baby, I got the juice (I got the juice tonight)

[Post-Chorus: Janelle Monáe & Pharrell Williams]
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
You're number one and don't you doubt it

[Verse 2: Janelle Monáe]
Now go on girl and use that sauce (that sauce)
If you don't, then that's your loss (your loss)
If you don't, then that's your loss
Turn it up, don't turn it off
Got everbody looking in your cup (your cup)
You know they wanna drink it up (drink it up)
You know they wanna drink it up (drink it up)
And if they try to take it you say

[Pre-Chorus: Janelle Monáe & Pharrell Williams]
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
You're number one
Down, love
And don't you doubt it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Down, love
Don't think about it
Now, shine

[Chorus: Janelle Monáe]
I got the juice (juice tonight)
I'm the chaser, don't need a mixer
I got the juice (juice tonight)
Baby, I'm the plug and the filter
I got the juice (juice tonight)
How many damn times I got to tell y'all?
I got the juice (juice tonight)
Baby, I got the juice (I got the juice tonight)

[Verse 3: Pharrell Williams & Janelle Monáe]
It's a freak, freak scene in it, yeah, wet, wet dream in it
Wakin' up like wean in it, me in your jeans in it, yeah
Yellow like pee in it, yeah, oh no, I mean me in it
Know it ain't lean in it, huh? But it's got a little kink in it, uh
Kinda make you wanna drink in it, got a little cream in it, yeah
But I feel a little bean in it, yeah, work me up like caffeine in it (hey)
Drippin' like a extra large but the top is too small, yeah
Here, let me wipe you off
Look inside, I can't wait to get you home at all, nah
These cupholders are small, uh
Can't believe what is in it, yeah, tastes like a good time
My brain was foggy in my business, yeah, short-term memory fried (brain on)
What you got, girl, is tough as shit, yeah, can't nothin' else fuck with it (hey)
Pressed, please, that fresh squeezed juice, there could never be a supplement (hey)

[Bridge: Janelle Monáe]
Got juice for all my lovers, got juice for all my wives (hey!)
My juice is my religion, got juice between my thighs (hey!)
Now, ask the angels, baby, my juice is so divine (hey!)
Ain't no juice quite like yours, ain't no juice quite like mine (hey!)
If you try to grab my pussy cat, this pussy grab you back (hey!)
If you try to grab my pussy cat, this pussy grab you back (hey!)
If you try to grab my pussy cat, this pussy grab you back (hey!)
This pussy grab you back, give you pussy cataracts (hey!)

[Outro: Janelle Monáe]
Yeah, I got the juice, I'm the truth, you can see it
Throw it up, throw it up, I'm the plug when you need it
I'm the truth, I'm the truth, yeah, yeah, I got the juice
Dirty computer, dirty computer
You can break me, break me down, if you want it you can get it
You can take my, take my crown, I don't want it, I don't need it
Yeah, yeah, I got the juice, yeah, yeah, I got the juice
Dirty computer, dirty comp...
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