Gucci Mane - This the Night

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Gucci Mane - This the Night was added to the Free2Music database on January 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 806 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Gucci Mane


Evil Genius

Lyrics Title

This the Night




Hip-Hop Rap


Southside on the track, yeah
Huh, Knievel

Startin' with the speakers blarin', in that new McLaren
I'm startin' off my day with that glacier-blue McLaren
Gucci Mane, my status international (Wop)
Calm, real calm, but my shooters are irrational, ugh
Had my share of foreigns, internationals, huh
She exotic but I like it when it's natural (Mwah, mwah)
I'm not regular, naw, I'm not typical (Hell nah)
It's so challenging to them, it's not difficult (It's easy), huh
I'ma keep it trill with you, want a billion (I want a bill'), huh
First a hundred million, naw,
it's not difficult (Hundred million), huh

This the night
My jewelry shinin' bright
My haters feelin' slighted
'Cause they know it's different prices, huh, huh
This the night, huh
We ain't come to play
Yeah, my bitch she came to slay, yeah
We ain't come to stay, nah, nah
This the night
My jewelry shinin' bright
These haters feelin' slighted
'Cause they know it's different prices, huh, huh
This the night
I'm rockin' crazy ice (Yeah, huh)
I live a crazy life (It's Gucci)
You live a crazy life, burr, burr

New whip alert, I pull up and they feelings hurt (Damn)
She ain't said nothin' but her booty flirtin' (Damn)
I rock minks in summertime, like fuck the temperature (Burr)
He don't wanna say it but he gettin' nervous (Hah)
'Cause it's night time, the freaks come out at night (At night)
They plottin' to take your shine, don't let 'em snatch your ice (Huh?)
I flood the pipeline, fresh off the flight with white
My car talk back to me, I think I'm Michael Knight (Michael Knight)
Brand new house alert, the drapes'll make you die (They're to die for)
Custom watch alert, baguettes, it took some time (Took some time)
Please don't stare too long,
it might just make you blind (Make you blind)
I got out right in time, it's Guwop time to shine (Time to shine)

This the night
My jewelry shinin' bright
My haters feelin' slighted
'Cause they know it's different prices, huh, huh
This the night, huh
We ain't come to play
Yeah, my bitch she came to slay, yeah
We ain't come to stay, nah, nah
This the night
My jewelry shinin' bright
These haters feelin' slighted
'Cause they know it's different prices, huh, huh
This the night
I'm rockin' crazy ice (Yeah, huh)
I live a crazy life (It's Gucci)
You live a crazy life, burr, burr

This the night, (This the night, this the night)
This the night, (This the night, this the night)
This the night, (This the night, this the night)
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