WAR*HALL - Dead Man Walking

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Music Detail

WAR*HALL - Dead Man Walking was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 782 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Whiplash - EP

Lyrics Title

Dead Man Walking






I'm a setting sun
But I'll never run
I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking

I'll stay and fight
As long as I'm alive
I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking

I'm a dead man walking!!
Hell's at my door
I'm a shadow of the man I was before
I'm a dead man walking
Before I die
I'll take every soul I can into the night
And kill till I die
And kill till I die
And kill till I die

Laying in the ground, gonna burn it down
I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking
Till my final breath, there'll be dust in the air
I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking

I'm a dead man walking!! (I'm a dead man walking)
Hell's at my door (hell's at my door)
I'm a shadow of the man I was before
I'm a dead man walking (I'm a dead man walking)
Before I die (Before I die)
I'll take every soul I can into the night
And kill till I die
And kill till I die
And kill till I die

Days go dark, death is real
Embracing all the blood has spilled
Assassinate till my past gets filled
Annihilation for the thrill
Expect more current violence
Accept the blackness, don't fight it Gone forever complete silence
Evil plans to close your eyelids on a crazy spree
I'm goin' mad, stop beating hearts just like that
This soul has seen a lot of bad, my future's in a body bag
This world will know what to bite on me
The reaper's so close behind me
This cold breath reminds me the shadows of death won't find me

I'm a dead man walking!! (Kill till i die)
Hell's at my door (Hell's at my door yeah)
I'm a shadow of the man I was before (Shadow what a man)
I'm a dead man walking (I'm a dead man)
Before I die (Before I die)
I'll take every soul I can into the night
And kill I die (And kill I die)

As long as I'm alive
Kill till I die
Take them with me to the night
I won't leave till you're laying by my side
You'll leave me when I kill till I die
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