Céline Dion - Thank You (Pseudo Video)

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Céline Dion - Thank You (Pseudo Video) was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 702 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Céline Dion


Loved Me Back To Life

Lyrics Title

Thank You




Electronic Pop Funk/Soul Rock


Down and out, all alone
Sitting here, sad and blue
Sun is now going down
Kinda cold, seeking refuge
Or just a friendly face
Or maybe just a smile
Someone that understands
What I'm going through right now
And just before I lay me down to never wake
I look up and I see you
So with everything I am

Thank you
Thank you
Because you didn't have to
Thank you
Thank you
With everything I am
Thank you

For the real sacrifice and the truth
Behind your given heart
And how you never judge a fault in me
Help because you want it too
And for your friendly face
And for just your smile
Simply understanding
What I'm going through right now
Just before I lay me down to never wake
I look up and see you
So with everything I am

Thank you
Thank you
Because you didn't have to
Thank you
Thank you
With everything I am
Thank you

Cause when no one else would care, you did
And when no one else was there, you were
Now I am so aware
You're a blessing to me
What did I do to deserve
To deserve you?
There's no words
That could describe
That could describe
How much I

Thank you
Thank you
Because you didn't have to
Thank you
Thank you
With everything I am
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Because you didn't have to
Thank you
Thank you
With everything I am
Thank you
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