Backstreet Boys - The Call (Remix w/out Rap)

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Backstreet Boys - The Call (Remix w/out Rap) was added to the Free2Music database on January 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 786 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Backstreet Boys


Black & Blue

Lyrics Title

The Call






Hi, it's me. What's up baby?
I'm sorry, listen, I'm gonna be late tonight so

don't stay up and wait for me, ok?
Where are you?
Wait, wait, say that again
You're really dropping out, I think my battery must be low
Listen, if you can hear me, we're going to this
place nearby alright, gotta go

Let me tell you the story about the call that changed my destiny
Me and my boys went out, just to end up in misery
Was about to go home when there she was standing in front of me
Said: Hi, I got a little place nearby, wanna go?
I should've said no, someone's waiting for me
But I called my girl up and said

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I'll say again, you're dropping out, my battery is low
So you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go

Now two years gone, nothing's been won
I can't take it back, what's done is done
One of her friends found out that she wasn't my only one
And it eats me from inside that she's not by my side
Just because I made that call and lied

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I'll say again, you're dropping out, my battery is low
So you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go

Listen baby, I'm sorry (hello, hello, hello)
Listen baby, I'm sorry (hello, hello, hello)
Listen baby, I'm sorry (hello, hello, hello)
Gotta go

Let me tell you the story 'bout the call that changed my destiny
Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery
Was about to go home when there she was standing in front of me
Said: Hi, I got a little place nearby, gotta go

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I'll say again, you're dropping out, my battery is low
So you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I'll say again, you're dropping out, my battery is low
So you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I'll say again, you're dropping out, my battery is low
So you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go
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