Ciara - Love Sex Magic (feat. Justin Timberlake)

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Ciara - Love Sex Magic (feat. Justin Timberlake) was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 727 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Love Sex Magic (feat. Justin Timberlake)






1, 2, 3

Too Sexy

Here we go

Your touch is so magic to me
The strangest things can happen
The way that you react to me
I wanna do something you can't imagine
Imagine if there was a million me's
Talking sexy to you like that
You think you can handle, boy
If I give you my squeeze
And I need you to push it right back
Baby, show me, show me

What's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I'll volunteer
And I'll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears
Ain't nothing but shoes on me
Oh, baby
All night, show it, just you and the crowd

Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
Everything ain't what it seems
I wave my hands and I got you

And you feel so fly assisting me
But now it's my turn to watch you
I ain't gonna stop you if you wanna crowd my neck
Talk sexy to me like that
Just do what I taught you, girl
When I give you my heat
And I need you to push it right back
Baby, show me, show me
What's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I'll volunteer

And I'll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears
Ain't nothing but shoes on me
Oh, baby
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic

So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
Oh, this is the part where we fall in love
Oh, let's slow it down so we fall in love
But don't stop what you're doing to me
All night, show it, just you and the crowd

Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic

So let me drive my body around you

I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic.
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