Calvin Harris - Drinking From the Bottle (Lyric Video) ft. Tinie Tempah

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Music Detail

Calvin Harris - Drinking From the Bottle (Lyric Video) ft. Tinie Tempah was added to the Free2Music database on December 14, 2018. Published the day it was watched 616 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Calvin Harris Feat. Tinie Tempah

Lyrics Title

Drinking From The Bottle




Electronic Pop


I-I-I-I-I-I could pay for everything that's on you
So everything is on me
Got them girls going Cindy Lauper
GaGa and a little Blondie
If you ain't drunk
Then you in the wrong club
Don't feel sexy
You're on the wrong beach
Tell the bar that we don't want no glass
Just bottles and I'm buying everybody one each

Yeah so bring the Veuve Clicquot
D about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's carnival in Rio
Life's too short, Danny DeVito
Yo, we live
We die, we give
We try, we kiss
We fight:
All so we can have a good time

I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow

Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle
Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle

Yeah, I was done with this thing getting it wrong
Then everything is alright
Got them girls going Heidi Klum
The Kardashians, Rihanna, all types
If you ain't lean, then you in the wrong scene
If you ain't high, then you not on my vibe
Tell the bar that we don't need no sparklers or nothin'
Just Keep the bottles coming all night

Yeah so bring the Veuve Clicquot
D about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's carnival in Rio
Life's too short, Danny DeVito
Yo, we live
We die, we give
We try, we kiss
We fight:
All so we can have a good time

I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow

I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow

I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
I'm in here busy looking for the next top model
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight,we're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle...
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