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KYLE - Babies (feat. Alessia Cara) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 669 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Light of Mine

Lyrics Title

Babies (feat. Alessia Cara)




Hip-Hop Rap


Yeah, I am pretty insecure
Yeah, I know I'm immature (oh no, oh no, oh no)
And you change your mood like clothes (mmm)
First you, oh no caught up, on and off, come come, come come, go
And I was learning ABC's, someone taught me how to love you
I mess up, you get things wrong, we're supposed to
We have no clue

And maybe, we're still babies
We don't have to know
We don't have to know
And maybe, we're still babies
We got time to grow
We got time to grow, hm hm

And I wear my feelings on my sleeve (oh no, no no no)
And I consume your energy (yeah yeah)
But you speak a language I don't know, no no no (no no no)
First you, yes no, guess so, for sure, stop go
Just slow down (just slow down)
And this ain't easy, one two three
No one taught me how to love you (no one taught me)
We're far from school, don't know the rules, we don't have to
(We don't have to)
We have no clue

And maybe, we're still babies
We don't have to know
We don't have to know
And maybe, we're still babies
We don't have to know
We don't have to know
And maybe, we're still babies
We got time to grow
We got time to grow

Woahhhh, babies
Woahhhh, babies
Woahhhh, babies
Woahhhh, babies

(Babies, babies)
(Babies, babies)
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