Music Detail

Uncle Kracker - In A Little While was added to the Free2Music database on December 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 690 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Uncle Kracker


No Stranger to Shame

Lyrics Title

In a Little While




Pop Country


Here's to the good life or so they say
All those parties and games that all those people play
They tell me this is the place to be
All these beautiful people and nothing to see

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I dont belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And I've lost what I've found, it'll all turn around

In a little while I'll be thinking about you
In a little while I'll still be here without you
You never gave me a reason to doubt you
In a little while I'll be thinking about you baby
I'll be thinking about you baby

On the other side of a coin, there's a face
There's a memory somewhere that I can't erase
And there's a place that I'll find someday
But sometimes I feel like it's slipping away

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I don't belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And I've lost what I've found, it'll all turn around

In a little while I'll be thinking about you
In a little while I'll still be here without you
You never gave me a reason to doubt you
In a little while I'll be thinking about you

Some things are lost, some left behind
Some things are better left for someone else to find
Maybe in time, I can finally see
I just wonder, wonder if you think about me

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I don't belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And i've lost what i've found, It'll all turn around, yeah

In a little while, I'll be thinking about you
In a little while, I'll still be here without you
You never gave me a reason to doubt you
In a little while I'll be thinking about you baby
I'll be thinking about you baby
I'll be thinking about you baby
I'll be thinking about you baby, baby, baby...
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