Cardi B - Back It Up (Audio) ft. Konshens, Hoodcelebrityy

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Music Detail

Cardi B - Back It Up (Audio) ft. Konshens, Hoodcelebrityy was added to the Free2Music database on December 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 753 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Cardi B

Lyrics Title

Back It Up






Cardi B
Aw yeah

Hey gal, beg you listen to my offa
Yuh body, me ah beg a likkle wine offa
This a nuh sumn for your smile offa
Me guarantee it ah go bun yuh like lava
Back it up for me
Back it up for me, girl
Back it up for me
Back it up for me

Back it up, I'm sittin' while me back it up
So me jack it up, sidung pon di cocky suh
Em wah em cocky suck, so me take me tongue and plap it up
Suck 'til cocky bruk, em seh gal how you suh sloppy suh
Bwoy, you a deal wid di realest
And when me a cum, you gon' feel it
Give you the best fuckin' of yuh life
The way me back it up, me swear you naa go leave tonight
Hey boy, watch how me a go put pah yuh
The way me deal wid it, dem call me comey master
Dah pussy tight ,so yuh come faster
And when me done wid you, you a go need wata

Back it up for me
Back it up for me, girl
Back it up for me
Back it up for me

Gal, mek it clap fi di Don
Back it up pon me, me have di cash inna hand
Pussy ah buss out ah di damn piece ah thong
So me love when gal grab the mic, sing ah song
That's right, yuh titty dem ah buss out ah yuh dress like
The strippers dem a wah yuh dress like
Dem gal deh me love, dem have the best vibe
Me wuda fuck yuh 'til death and fuck yuh inna the next life

Hey gal, beg you listen to my offa
Yuh body, me ah beg a likkle wine offa
This a nuh sumn for your smile offa
Me guarantee it ah go bun yuh like lava
Back it up for me
Back it up for me, girl
Back it up for me
Back it up for me

Yuh say yuh love it how me back it up
Pussy fat, print out, me nuh affi pack it up
Position, look round ah back, how you ah mash it up
Pussy nice and firm, it get the cocky tough
Wooii, yuh say me bad, yuh need a wine afta
And the pussy, yah sumn you'd ah die afta
Give it to you one time, you wuda cry afta
But me nuh waa nuh watch man weh come fi spy afta, wooii

Hey gal, beg you listen to my offa
Yuh body, me ah beg a likkle wine offa
This a nuh sumn for your smile offa
Me guarantee it ah go bun yuh like lava
Back it up for me
Back it up for me, girl
Back it up for me
Back it up for me
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