Bakermat - Partystarter

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Bakermat - Partystarter was added to the Free2Music database on December 29, 2018. Published the day it was watched 708 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Let me go talk to the DJ
Or I'm out of here
Excuse me, mister DJ? Yep
Could you play something with a beat?
What do you mean play something with a beat?
You know, something I could dance to

I came to get this party jumping and sick can be
I came to get this party laugh, are you with me?
I came to start the party, 'cause I'm the party starter
So if that beating knock in, let's get it knocking harder
The dance floor, let me see your favorite dance
Put your phone away, no texting and no friend DM's
Singing like you make me see you sing the dough boys came to see you
I'm so lone with my squad
You know that we live a lot
You know that we live a lot

Alright this is no my thing
This music is higher, I'm sorry
You gon' play something else
Let me go talk to the DJ
Or I'm out of here

I came to get this party jumping and sick can be
I came to get this party laugh, are you with me?
I came to start the party, 'cause I'm the party starter
So if that beating knock in, let's get it knocking harder
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