Lil Gnar - Laker Guap (WSHH Exclusive)

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Music Detail

Lil Gnar - Laker Guap (WSHH Exclusive) was added to the Free2Music database on December 30, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,214 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Gnar


Gnar Lif3

Lyrics Title

Laker Guap




Hip-Hop Rap


Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
Glock, it hit your brain, hit your face
Aim this pistol
All this guap on me, ballin' hard just like a Laker, uh
Niggas say they ride, is ridin', or you fakin'?
Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
Glock, it hit your brain, hit your face
Aim this pistol
All this guap on me, ballin' hard just like a Laker, uh
Niggas say they ride, is ridin', or you fakin'?
Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
Bitch, I got guap like a Laker
Sellin' that dope, cut the weight to the major play
Shoot at your face, it replay
Swaggin' like Iverson, nigga wan' try it
I leave your face numb like some Vicodin
They say Big Guap a Tyranatar-ranasaur
Hemi so big like a grocery store
Show you the morgue
Tell 'er you smart, but not keen
Sellin' the bars
My yacht, you can come in my yacht
My trap, you can come in my spot
Big ice, I'm like "what is up", huh
My yacht, you can come in my yacht
My trap, you can come in my spot
Big ice, I'm like "what is up", huh
My god, I'm like oh my god
My god, I'm like oh my god
Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
Glock, it hit your brain, hit your face
Aim this pistol
All this guap on me, ballin' hard just like a Laker, uh
Niggas say they ride, is ridin', or you fakin'?
Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
Glock, it hit your brain, hit your face
Aim this pistol
All this guap on me, ballin' hard just like a Laker, uh
Niggas say they ride, is ridin', or you fakin'?
Niggas say they wit' it, is you wit' it, or you in it, uh
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