Kygo, JHart - Permanent (Acoustic Version)

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Kygo, JHart - Permanent (Acoustic Version) was added to the Free2Music database on December 30, 2018. Published the day it was watched 689 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kygo & J.Hart

Lyrics Title







You just, you made it look easy
It's like you didn't feel it
Not like I do
I followed, I followed the pieces
I tried to receive it
To when it was good

Oh look, I don't wanna feel like somebody
While nothing else ever feels like your body
'Cause we held the world, we were turning it
For a moment there, it was permanent
I drive the streets where you told me your secrets
We made mistakes, but we both didn't mean it
And we held the world, we were turning it
For a moment there, it was permanent

I'll bet, I'll bet you're in Seoul
Dancing in slow-mo
With someone new, oh
I cared, I, I hope you'll never forget it
The night's just too weary
Like all your tattoos

Oh look, I don't wanna feel like somebody
While nothing else ever feels like your body
'Cause we held the world, we were turning it
For a moment there, it was permanent
I drive the streets where you told me your secrets
We made mistakes, but we both we didn't mean it
And we held the world, we were turning it
For a moment there, it was permanent

For a moment there
It was permanent
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