Music Detail

Neyo - Because of You (Boyce Avenue cover) was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 796 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Boyce Avenue


Cover Sessions, Vol. 1

Lyrics Title

Because Of You






Want to but I can't help it
I love the way it feels
Just got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real

I need it when I want it
I want it when I don't
Tell myself I'll stop every day
Knowing that I won't

I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it
Even if I did I don't know if I would quit but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it...

And I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you
I can barely move
But I like it

And it's all because of you
And it's all because...
Never get enough
She's the sweetest drug

Think of it every second
I can't get nothing done
Only concern is the next time
I'm gonna get me some
Know I should stay away from
'Cause it's no good for me
I try and try but my obsession
Won't let me leave

I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it
Even if I did I don't know if I would quit but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it...

And I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you
I can barely move
But I like it
And it's all because of you 3x
And it's all because...
Never get enough
She's the sweetest drug
She's the sweetest drug
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