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倖田來未 - ESCALATE was added to the Free2Music database on December 17, 2018. Published the day it was watched 739 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Asian J-Pop


Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom!(kind of, Like of)
Till the break of dawn dawn

You'd better hurry chop chop boom!(I gotta)
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom!
過剰だなんて 思わない
終わんない まだまだ Escalate!
Take it No Mo, 'Cause I know know, Gotta know All
Mo! One mo! One mo!
付き合って 朝まで Everyday
気持ちまだまだ Escalate
Take it No Mo, 'Cause I know know, Gotta know All
ほら指先からまた TicTicTic 確かめたいから TapTapTap
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
まさか Escalate, No way!
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
ようこそ Escalate, Don't stop!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop!
Time out なんてない Every night
止まんない まだまだ Escalate
Gotta show me your love, What up! Gotta hit me! Haaaaaa Ha! Ha!
Mo! One mo! One mo!
気分次第 飛び乗る Escalate
Take it No Mo, 'Cause I know know, Gotta know All
ほら指先からまた TicTicTic 確かめたいから TapTapTap
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
まさか Escalate, No way!
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
ようこそ Escalate, Don't stop!
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
まさか Escalate, No way!
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
忘れないで欲しいのmm ルールはあたしだってことを
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
まさか Escalate, No way!
I gotta game all way, You'd better play all day,
ようこそ Escalate, Don't stop!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom boom!
Till the break of dawn dawn
You'd better hurry chop chop boom!
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